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برامج الخريجين

The academic degree programs of the college prepare graduates to assume responsibilities in a global business environment characterized by rapid technological and social changes. The programs provide educational experience that enhance students, global awareness and their analytical, conceptual, communications and problem solving skills. The programs provide students with a broad base of knowledge plus specialization courses necessary for professional careers in a variety of private and public organizations. Integration of all functional areas of business administration as well as ethical dimension are being emphasized throughout the curriculum.

CBA offers eight undergraduate degree programs. Students typically complete 12-15 credit hours per semester during the fall and spring terms. To foster interdisciplinarity learning, CBA students are required to complete 61 credit hours of General Education Requirements offered by 21 different departments at KU, 36 credit hours of Business Core Requirements, 27 credit hours of Major Requirements, and 6 credit hours of Support Major Area.

Students can also take advantage of the Students Exchange program to complete some of the courses at the partner Universities abroad. To graduate, students must complete a minimum of 130 credit hours of course work, which requires at least 4 years of studies. To assure the quality of incoming students and contribute to the realization of CBA’s mission, admission criteria have become more stringent starting from Fall 2018.

CBA requires undergraduate applicants to obtain at least 60% of the English language test within the aptitude test. As a result, priority for acceptance is granted to those applicants obtaining the highest equivalent high school Grade Point Average (GPA) as well as the highest aptitude tests. The scores are weighted as follows:

70% for the high school GPA
15% for English language test
15% for Math test
Students desiring a minor offered by the college should complete a minimum of 24 semester hours from a list of course requirements specified for each minor. With the exception of public Administration, student desiring a minor in the other disciplines are required to pass QMIS 098 (Basic Algebra) or equivalent and ELU 106 (English Language) or obtain a satisfactory score in the placement test.