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Management & Marketing

The mission of the department of Management And Marketing is to direct, develop, and deliver quality teaching, research and service activities toward developing and enhancing students’ abilities. Thus, utilizing resources in identifying, assembling, and coordinating the skills to create and foster an educational culture that helps students participate in the enhancement of the economic wealth within ethical and societal boundaries.

The primary commitment of the faculty is to provide an excellent undergraduate teaching. In supporting the mission of Kuwait University College of Business Administration, our program contributes to expertise in developing the basics of leadership, enhancing the ethical understanding whilst engaging in businesses, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship and small business administration, government and society, strategic management, international business, and strategic Management. In addition to the latter, the program is aimed at graduating competent students that play a major role in enhancing the areas of markets, products and services, distribution, promotion and pricing. Students should thus be capable of achieving their goals and meeting the needs and wants of employers, customers, and society.

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